

In times of crisis, humanity demands that we act to protect all those ravaged by situations of conflict, violence, disasters or other emergencies.

"Each day is our chance to help turn the tide for those exposed to threats of harm, alleviate suffering while reducing risks, and work in and with communities
themselves so that we can together prevent and respond to protection needs."

Nasaem aims to people are protected in humanitarian crises and their rights respected and solutions found. Ensuring well coordinated, effective and princibled protection, preparedeness and responses, and that protection at the core of all humanitarian action and recognized as essential in any nexus with development and peace. Commitment to protection mainstreaming through incorporating and promoting the key protection elements in humanitarian action and applying them in practical and concrete ways: Safety and Dignity and avoid causing harm; Equitable and Impartial Access; Accountability; Participation and Empowerment.

Nasaem ensures that the Protection should be mainstreamed through all sectors and all phases of the program/project cycle.

During the last years and through several interventions, Nasaem carried out to protect and improve the lives of tens of thousands of people in need of protection.